- Litvinova Medical staff strives to provide appointments in a timely manner. As a new patient we ask that you arrive at the office a minimum of 20 minutes prior to your scheduled appointment time in order to give you ample time to complete the registration process.
- As an established patient you must be no more than 15 minutes late for your scheduled appointment, or you will be asked to reschedule. This could results in a several day or week wait for you. The exception to this policy is if Litvinova Medical staff has been notified prior to clinic and is approved by Dr. Litvinova. However, with that the maximum time allowed is 30 minutes past your scheduled time.
- You must be on time for your appointment if you are scheduled for a diagnostic test. Little or no tolerance can or will be given unless specific instructions, documented in your medical record, have been given to you by Litvinova Medical staff or Dr. Litvinova.
- With any new or established patient, if the need arises to cancel your scheduled appointment, please notify the office at least 24 hours prior to your appointment. The Litvinova Medical staff will work with you to set a new appointment date and time as soon as possible. Failure in giving at least 24 hour notice not only effects the entire doctor’s schedule, but also can result in a $35.00 office fee being assessed to you personally for the first missed/no notification appointment and $45.00 office fee being assessed to you personally for each subsequent missed/no notification appointment.
- Not showing up for or cancelling appointments 3 times with Litvinova Medical could result in the patient being terminated from this practice and sent a certified letter detailing this action.